Sunday, June 30, 2013

Video: Hashtags in G+ -- Strategies and Benefits for Hospitals and Practices (4:40)

Video: Hashtags in G+ --  Strategies and Benefits for Hospitals and Practices (4:40)

Hashtags are a great way to for you to research your topic or be found by your target audience.

Kathi Browne  and Todd Hartley  provide insights and tips during this recent Use G+ to Advance Your (Hospital/Practice) in Search  HOA .

Among the tips:

1. Find "official" health related hashtags at the The Hashtag Project

2. Find out what hashtags your Twitter thought leaders are using.

3. Use Google’s Autocomplete to suggest hashtag labels.

#hashtagsongoogleplus    #hashtag   #healthsocialmedia



With apologies, I've been silent for the past few months as I've regrouped and retooled.

With the new name and look for this G+ Community, my hope is the the new sm4hc  will bring better information and more sustainable resources to you and better serve your use of social media in support of healthier communities.

Cheers from Seattle, WA