Sunday, December 30, 2012

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Anyone advocating for social media within their healthcare organization should forward this excellent article to...

Anyone advocating for social media within their healthcare organization should forward this excellent article to their graphic artist. Features Pinterest, Infographics, SlideShare and YouTube.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Librarians - the new Super Content Heros?

Librarians - the new Super Content Heros?
In response to a recently sm4hc posting, one reader suggested employing a professional librarian to help curate content for hospital/healthcare social media blogs. On the one hand, who has time to find new/great information, why not employ the best tol do that for you? On the other hand, isn't it a bit disingenuous to outsource your "thought leadership"?

Your thoughts?

Thursday, December 20, 2012

This is definitely a hot topic and think it will grow to crazy proportions over the next year as it extends beyond...

This is definitely a hot topic and think it will grow to crazy proportions over the next year as it extends beyond the traditional marketing department to areas such as finance, human resources, and quality. We are excited to be joining your group.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Here are several useful sources of FREE health messages you can place on your FB page, in newsletters and on website.

Here are several useful sources of FREE health messages you can place on your FB page, in newsletters and on website. Have you found similar FREE resources you particularly like?

To manage a crisis in the future, manage your reputation today.

To manage a crisis in the future, manage your reputation today. Here''s a GREAT guide to help you do along the way. James Sherlock

5 things to remember about HIPAA in 2013

5 things to remember about HIPAA in 2013
Featured Quote: "First and foremost, don’t let HIPAA become an excuse for tapering off on your marketing efforts. Knowledge is power. So take some time to familiarize (or re-familiarize) yourself with HIPAA’s marketing rules."

Here's a really complete listing of image sizes for various SM channels.

Here's a really complete listing of image sizes for various SM channels.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Excerpt from Interview with Kaiser Permanente's +Vince Golla

Excerpt from Interview with Kaiser Permanente's +Vince Golla

“If people are going to use social media tools on behalf of our organization,they have to be able to answer yes to all of these questions …”

Yes, I am willing to, on behalf of this topic, on behalf of our organization, discuss the good and the bad.
Yes, I’m willing to have direct one-on-one conversations about his topic.
Yes, I’m wiling to have those in a way where I know that they are pubic and that I am representing our organization appropriately.
And yes, I can show that our organization can change or adapt based on those conversations.”

Featured Quote: "I find that where people remember those two truism, that social media travels at the speed of light and that it's intergalactic, they tend do a better job of keeping private data private." -- Vince Golla

Saturday, December 15, 2012

From Orthodontists To Ob-Gyns: The Doctor-Rating Sites To Trust

From Orthodontists To Ob-Gyns: The Doctor-Rating Sites To Trust
One person took it upon herself to rate five Doctor Review Rating sites.
Here's a quick summary of her findings ...

Charter "Social Media for Healthcare" members

Charter "Social Media for Healthcare" members

Here are the beginnings of an online RESOURCE DIRECTORY (directory on left). Ideally, members will curate the best of the best, summarize and share (always giving proper attribution). Do these look like useful category topics? Any to add or delete?

What is missing are discussion topics. These, with your help, I suggest will evolve overtime.

Even if I could, I wouldn't want to even think about solo moderating this group. If you have a vision that through our combined efforts, and in a spirit of collegiality and cooperation, we can create a Village, then please consider volunteering as a co-Moderator.

Finally, don't be shy about starting topic/issue discussions of interest and sharing resources you feel are of value.

Cheers from railny Seattle,
Scott Scowcroft

How to Deal with Negative Feedback on Social Media

How to Deal with Negative Feedback on Social Media
1. Don't delete
2. Have a plan in place
3. Know who to ignore
4. Customer Service (use tweet/FB/blogs)
5. Be a human
6. Move dialogues offline
7. Reward you promoters

Read the full story from "Inbound Marketing Agents" ...

* Few Thoughts before you start a Hospital Blog(

* Few Thoughts before you start a Hospital Blog(
Bryan Vartabedian, MD, 33 Charts, offers great advice if you're thinking of starting a hospital blog. 

sm4hc summary:

Blog for show or blog for dough?
   Avoid a "dead blog." First know the "why."
   Make your blog functional/memorable/ noteworthy and make it work.
   Otherwise don’t make it at all.

The best hospital blogs get you:
   A window to show your human side.
   A natural/eclectic multimedia mix to discuss uncomfortable hospital issues.
   A social home to share your core stories/experiences/community commentary.
   A way to drive traffic to your more static website/programs/initiatives.

Hospital Blog ROI:
   As with hospital landscaping, difficult to SM's ROI.
   A better question: What's the potential cost  of remaining alienated from your patient base? 

sm4hc original post:

Free Tools to Shorten Links

Free Tools to Shorten Links

sm4hc Summary:
Priemier link shortener.
Access analyics by adding a + sign at end of the link.
Free for use on your own domain.
Use for even shorter url.
use to track/cusomize Facebook links.
Get more clicks from those who trust Google.
Tracks clicks, does customizable.
Stumble upon’s link shortener.
Automatically submits your content to StumbleUpon.
Tip:  If you share your content on Twitter try using a different style of link each time you share it and then track your results.

Original sm4hc posting:

Free Photos for Your Blog

Free Photos for Your Blog
Larelle on WordPress has collected an amazing list of source for free photographs to use on your website and blog. Check it out ...


Hospital Taglines

When hospital COOs come on board, they want “to own the brand,” hence a new advertising agency/new tagline. Since tenure of CMO’s now averages 18.2 months, taglines tend to change more often then before.

“For service organizations like hospitals, taglines are best served as reminders to internal audiences–clinicians, physicians, housekeeping, the board–what the brand means, and their contributions to living the brand.”

Tagline venue’s? “Town halls, video presentations on Intranet and social media platforms, cafeteria flyers, employee recognition programs, email and printed newsletters, and hundreds of other practical, efficient, consistent communications tools.”

Original sm4hc post

Friday, December 14, 2012



A new database of 1,400 Doctors on Twitter reveals:

   Average 2 tweets/day.
   Over 50% tweeted during their workday.
    Kevin Pho most followed -- .
    83% of specialties mentioned diabetes last summer.
You can play with the data yourself at the project website

Everything you need to know about Google Plus but were afraid to ask!

Everything you need to know about Google Plus but were afraid to ask!

This video was posted on 11-14-12 9:39.

Bob Strassel Jr's comment about sums it up ... "Holy smokes Martin, Awesome, tips & tricks. I think I learned more watching this than any Google Plus tutorials.... The photo effects and edits really are wonderful, I had no idea! Thanks again"


Top 5 Do’s and Don’t for nurses using social media

Nurses have a tradition of protecting sensitive/protected health information. The important thing to remember as a nurse using social media, just as you would with your patients, exercise extreme care. 

Don’t discuss or disclose sensitive or Protected Health Information — even “friending” a patient can e risk;
Do exercise judgment when posting personal opinions and photos — ie: wise to avoid explicit professional details;
Do respect HIPAA privacy laws and adhere to policy — including your employer’s social media policies;
Do respect HIPAA privacy laws and adhere to policy — some employers monitor their employees online footprint; and
Do make the decision to use networking/social media sites for educational and professional networking

Original sm4hc post


#1 Tip for Social Media Managers" Stop Talking about Social Media.

Aligning social and digital strategies with business objectives and priorities    is the foundation for earning buy-in from the c-suite.

Because today’s skeptical executives fear social media, you’re already disadvantaged. Therefore, instead of waking through the door saying “social media,” first frame your discussion in terms of your executive’s own ideology.

• Describe how today’s customers are changing.
• Describe that it is now all about digital experience (think Starbucks).
• Show how that impacts business and how that equates to money.
• Only then can you make a compelling case for technology where social media plays a role.
In the long run, this approach will help your social media strategy.

Your social media will no longer be merely a form of marketing, but rather an extension of a business strategy.

By becoming more business/customer focused, your role become incredibly much more valuable and therefore as much a career move for you as it is for the betterment of the business.

Originally post at

FREE Social Media Employee Policy Generator.

FREE Social Media Employee Policy Generator.
Brief sm4hc review at,
or go directly to the generator at

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Here's a chance to gain national attention for your hospital (or hospital client).

Here's a chance to gain national attention for your hospital (or hospital client). Jessica Levco  from "Health Care Communication News" has issued a "Story Alert!"

She's asks: "Does your hospital go above and beyond? Tell us about the nicest programs, amenities, or perks you give to patients. Send an email to and I’ll include it in my next story."

This was posted on 3 days ago, so there's still some time to respond.

Chances are, you're struggling with information overflow, or are you?

Chances are, you're struggling with information overflow, or are you? I recently found a great healthcare releated article on this topic from Hive Strategies.

Are you able to keep up? If yes, please share your secrets! If not, I think the rest of us share your pain.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Perhaps I should start things off by introducing myself.

Perhaps I should start things off by introducing myself.

From rainy Seattle, I recently launched the "Social Media for Healthcare" website/blog to help me better understand social media but also to summarize and bring to you some of the best SM tools and resources the internet has to offer.

Ed Bennett's 2009 Found in the Cache "Social Media Talking Points" is one such example, and honestly the post that got me "hooked" in the first place. I hope you find it enjoyable and of value as well.

As healthcare administrators/professionals, we have special opportunities through social media to promote well...

As healthcare administrators/professionals, we have special opportunities through social media to promote well being, decrease suffering and even save lives. We can do this without compromising patient confidentiality or staff safety and with a plan to meet any media crisis which might arise along the way.

Healthcare has been slower than other sectors to embrace Social Media, and to one degree or another we all need help figuring how how to best connect with patients, families, caregivers and Community. Helping one another to do precisely that is the Community Mission for "Social Media and Healthcare."  

If it looks as if we're a a good match, please consider joining our group, introduce yourself, and let's see what happens from there.