Friday, December 14, 2012


#1 Tip for Social Media Managers" Stop Talking about Social Media.

Aligning social and digital strategies with business objectives and priorities    is the foundation for earning buy-in from the c-suite.

Because today’s skeptical executives fear social media, you’re already disadvantaged. Therefore, instead of waking through the door saying “social media,” first frame your discussion in terms of your executive’s own ideology.

• Describe how today’s customers are changing.
• Describe that it is now all about digital experience (think Starbucks).
• Show how that impacts business and how that equates to money.
• Only then can you make a compelling case for technology where social media plays a role.
In the long run, this approach will help your social media strategy.

Your social media will no longer be merely a form of marketing, but rather an extension of a business strategy.

By becoming more business/customer focused, your role become incredibly much more valuable and therefore as much a career move for you as it is for the betterment of the business.

Originally post at

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