Saturday, December 15, 2012

Charter "Social Media for Healthcare" members

Charter "Social Media for Healthcare" members

Here are the beginnings of an online RESOURCE DIRECTORY (directory on left). Ideally, members will curate the best of the best, summarize and share (always giving proper attribution). Do these look like useful category topics? Any to add or delete?

What is missing are discussion topics. These, with your help, I suggest will evolve overtime.

Even if I could, I wouldn't want to even think about solo moderating this group. If you have a vision that through our combined efforts, and in a spirit of collegiality and cooperation, we can create a Village, then please consider volunteering as a co-Moderator.

Finally, don't be shy about starting topic/issue discussions of interest and sharing resources you feel are of value.

Cheers from railny Seattle,
Scott Scowcroft

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